Accredited research
development institute
The Institute of General and Physical Chemistry deals with basic, applied and developmental
research in the field of physical chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics
and environmental protection.


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Continuous contribution to science through conducting basic and applied research and application of acquired knowledge to solve various problems in the fields of biotechnology, materials science and environmental protection by applying physicochemical methods.


The Institute, as a research and development entity, in the field of chemistry, physical chemistry, environmental protection and biotechnology will be a nationally and regionally recognized center whose goal is to validate and implement the results of basic, applied and development research.

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What we do?

The Institute of General and Physical Chemistry deals with basic, applied and developmental research in physical chemistry, preparation of studies and elaborates, physicochemical analysis and providing of the expert opinions on the analyzed material.

Our clients

Cooperation of IOFH with other institutions and economic entities
is realized through agreements on scientific and technical cooperation, application of our
solutions for specific technical - technological problems,
as well as through the use of our products.

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