The research team "Environmental protection" operates within the sub-areas:

Pollution control (water, soil analysis) and monitoring of the spread of certain pollutants.

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Isolation of lignocellulosic enzymes from agro-industrial waste in order to select enzymes with the highest activity and stability (RECAP project from the invitation of the IDEA of the RS Science Fund).

Cooperation on the long-term project GEF-UNIDO "Global Greenchem Innovation and Network Program - GGINP" will continue in 2022. In 2021, in cooperation with the Center for Cleaner Production TMF.

zas sustainability goals

Projects where team members participate:Erasmus (2021-1-HR01-KA220- HED -000023012): Zero food waste education of the "Z" generation of European citizensEGN7726976: Integrated Strategy for Rehabilitation of Disturbed Land Surfaces and Control of Air PollutionБилатерала – научно-технолошка сарадња између Републике Србије и Савезне Републике Немачке “Development of membranes based on metalorganic frameworks (MOFs) for extraction of metals and critical raw materials from mine waste“ Erasmus+ programme, Action Type KA220-HED—Cooperation partnerships in higher education: “Zero food waste education of “Z” generation of European citizens (ZeeWaste4EU)”, Grant Agreement Number: 2021-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000023012Зелени Ваучер, Циркуларне заједнице у Србији, “Развој методе за одређивање цијанида у водама методом јонске хроматографије“Програм ИДЕЈЕ 2022, Фонд за науку РС. “Physicohmical aspects of rhythmicity of underlying reaction networks and their main compounds“ #7743504Програм ИДЕЈЕ 2022, Фонд за науку РС. “Integrated strategy for rehabilitation of disturbed land surfaces and control of air pollution“ (RECAP), #7726976Detector Research Development (DRD1), R&D PROPOSAL Large area muon systems, CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlanЗелени Ваучер, Циркуларне заједнице у Србији, „Развој течног детерџента за машинско прање теретних возила”